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How can you tell if a pic has been photoshopped?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:50 am
by Guest
I belong to another forum about bodybuilding, and men issues. A big contraversy is people photoshopping themselves,but say it has not been retouched, or augmented. Being a programmer I opened some of the pics in a text editor. The ones not suspect that looked natural had very little code. The ones that were questionable had pages of code, but I have no clue what it means. Is there a way to look at a pic in this way and acertain what has been done to the pic? Or if there are other ways I would love to hear that. This is important because some of these people have big reputations, and if they are augmenting their pics their advice might not be sound, or safe. Your help in this matter would be very much appreciated.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:29 am
by HaraldHeim
You can only check if some photos have been faked by looking closely at the image at a high zoom level. If you find some unnatural pixel structures, there you can be almost certain that the photo was manipulated. However, it requires quite some expertise for that task.

If you post the URLs of these image here, I can have a look at them and let you know my impression.