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B/W Styler > Colorize Tab > Enhanced mode

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:41 pm
by Ando
On a 16 bit DNG file I can only produce a grey mask which can be altered in density with the Saturation slider but no color effect? Thx

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:41 pm
by HaraldHeim
Thanks for letting me know! There seems to be a bug that makes the image totally black if you use the Colorize > Enhanced method on a 16bit image. It works on 8bit images though.

Please use the Colorize > Standard method in the meantime, which basically lets you achieve the same effects, although it offers a bit less flexibility.

The problem will be fixed in the next B/W Styler update, which will be available soon and free for registered users.