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Purpose of ApplyEdge.8bf

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:53 pm
by rwalling
I noticed that a plugin called ApplyEdge.8bf comes with the Edge & Frame Galaxy. I tried linking it to my Paint Shop Pro plugins but it doesn't seem to do anything. What is its purpose?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:40 am
by HaraldHeim
The two .8bf plugins from Edge & Frame Galaxy are meant for Microsoft PhotoDraw (and also Digital Image Pro). Both applications don't have any sufficient transparency options, so you need both plugins to be able to apply the edges. Basically both plugins make the inner white area of an edge or frame transparent. If you look at the instructions for PhotoDraw in the HTML manual, you can see how they are used.

As Paint Shop Pro has several options for that purpose, you don't need these two plugins.