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Using Adobe After Effects 5.5 Pro / Pinnacle Edition DV 4.5

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:40 pm
by Henk
Hello, I use Edition instead of Premiere. But for the extra effects i use After Effects and not Pinnacle Commotion because After Effects is much better. Is there a plugin for After Effects to export timelines straigt into Edition?? I can export the whole movie (AVI) but then i cannot do anything more in Edition.

Second question: I'm not sure After Effects is using my DV 500 hardwarecardridge for rendering. I guess it's only using my processor for rendering. How can i configure AE??

I have the following PC:

AMD athlon 1800+
512 mb RAM
120 GB capacity

Pinnacle Edition DV 4.5
Adobe AE Production Bundle 5.5
DV 500 hardware

Please help!!

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