The Folders Menu


Move Folder

Moves the selected sub folder to a new folder.

Rename Folder

If a sub folder is selected, this function lets you rename it. If no sub folder is selected, you will be able to rename the folder that is currently displayed.

Kill Folder(s)

Will completely erase all sub folders and files contained in the selected folder or folders. Be careful with this command!

Create Folder

Prompts you for entering a new folder name and creates it.

The Folder items

At the bottom of the Folders menu there's a list of folders that have been accessed recently or that were added to this menu from Preferences. Selecting one of them will display this folder in the File View of the active pane. Selecting Edit Folder List at the top of the list will display the Folder tab of the Preferences dialog for editing the folder list.


For the other menus see

The File Menu

The Edit Menu
The View Menu
The Command Menu
The Apps Menu
The Help Menu



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