Plugins for Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom, PSP & others


The Plugin Site


Poll Results 1999


This page shows the results of polls on various topics that were conducted on this web site. So always keep in mind that the results are only representative for the visitors of this site and can't be generalized. Placing these polls on other sites could produce totally different results.


Plugin Com HQ Poll
was online for a few days in mid June 99

Which section of my site do you like best?

Filters (48)59%
Transitions (12)15%
Tools (11)14%
Gallery/Know How (7)9%
Other Effects (3)4%

81 Total Votes


Plugin Poll
was online for over a week at the end of June 99

Which plugin set is your favourite?

Eye Candy (150) 46%
Kai's Power Tools 5 (53) 16%
Blade Pro (52) 16%
Xenofex (23) 7%
Extensis Photo Tools (20) 6%
Filter Factory CD-ROM (11) 3%
Total Xaos (10) 3%
Ulead FX Razor (9) 3%

328 Total Votes


Plugin Price Poll
was online for a week at the beginning of July 99

How much would you pay for a professional plugin set?

I don't pay anything for plugins (108)56%
$ 20 (52)27%
$ 30 (12)6%
$ 40 (4)2%
$ 50 (6)3%
$ 80 (4)2%
$100 or more (8)4%

194 Total Votes


- Application Poll -
was online for almost a week at the beginning of July 99

Which application do you use most of the time?

Paintshop Pro (181) 42%
Photoshop (165) 38%
other application (33)8%
Photo-Paint (22)5%
Painter (14) 3%
Picture Publisher (8)2%
Photo Impact (4) 1%
Fireworks (2) 0,4%

429 Total Votes


Favourite FX Poll
was online for a week in mid July 99

Which is your favourite FX type?

Nature (e.g. fire, smoke, star, sun) (71)30%
Materials (e.g. metal, chrome, glass) (52)22%
Textures/Pattern Creation (33)14%
Blurs (27)11%
Colorizing/Gradients (22)9%
Warps (19)8%
Mirroring (7)3%
Noise Effects (7)3%

238 Total Votes


Interest Poll
was online for the last two weeks in July 99

What are you most interested in?

Video Editing (61)25%
Playing with Effects (50)20%
Photo Enhancement (43)18%
Web Design (35)14%
Image Editing in General (33)14%
Programming (9)4%
Creating Animations (9)4%
other (4)2%

244 Total Votes


FF Plugin Poll
was online in July 99

Which Filter Factory plugins do you like best?

Harry's Filters (VideoRave, PowerGrads, Cryptology) by Harald Heim (65)25%
Andrew's Filters by Andrew Buckle (41)15%
Alf's Filters (Border FX, Power Toys, Power Grads) by Alfredo Mateus (40)15%
UnPlugged by Matijn van der Lee (34)13%
Visual Manipulation (VM) by Mario Klingemann (32)12%
Kang Filters by Kangaroo (23)9%
Sandy's Filters (Ecosse, Simple, Neu, Transparency) by Sandy Blair (19)7%
Toadies by Ilya Razmanov (11)4%

265 Total Votes


Edge & Frame Poll
was online in July 99

Which edge & frame product(s) do you use?

Extensis PhotoFrame (39)33%
Edges & frames created by myself (31)26%
Auto F/X Photo/Graphic Edges (28)24%
Edge & Frame Galaxy (15)13%
Frame Magic/Sapphire Frames (6)5%

119 Total Votes


Video Transition Poll
was online in July 99

Which is your favourite transition package?

Boris Effects (35)35%
Final Effects (17)17%
Take 32/Hollywood FX (14)14%
Crystal 3D VORTEX (10)10%
other product (9)9%
Spice Rack (9)9%
ViZfx (4)4%
Panopticum Fire (1)1%

99 Total Votes


Plugin Commander Poll
was online in October 99

Which feature of Plugin Commander do you consider the most important one?

Deactivating plugins & changing the category (50)30%
Creating and converting FFL Files (50)30%
Converting FF plugins to Adobe Premiere (21)12%
Filter Factory Editor (20)12%
Previewing FF plugins (18)11%
Other (10)6%
169 Total Votes


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