Plugins for Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom, PSP & others



Plugin Newsletter - 26 / 1999


The Adobe Premiere versions of Harry's Filters, a set of 56 freeware
filter effects, have been updated. They were converted from the
Photoshop version with the help of Plugin Commander 1.0 with the result
that 6 plugins that couldn't be converted before are working now.


Ultimate Paint, an efficient image editing and painting application, has
reached version number 2.4. One of the highlights of the new version is
a flexible page curl filter that produces one of the best available page
curl effects. There's also a new and handy dialog for comparing the
quality and size of different image formats.

Don't miss the bundle offer that is available in the Plugin Store at my
site. You can get Ultimate Paint 2.4 and Plugin Galaxy together and save
$20. That's like buying Plugin Galaxy and getting a full image editing
application for $20 extra.


I've added a two new review on KPT X Goo and Auto/FX AutoEye in the
Plugin Guide section of my site.


Not long after the launching of version 1.0 comes version 1.01 with many
new options and bug fixes, especially for the Light Edition.

If you already downloaded version 1.0 of Plugin Commander Light, you
just need to get a 500 K file from the PiCo Download page.


I've updated the Filters / FF Index page after checking all links. Some
of the temporarily down link are working again and others that worked
before are marked down. There's also a Macintosh version of the Webscrub
filter available now.

All links from this page and some from the Filters / Free Filters page
are now available in Plugin Commander 1.01's Filter Download dialog.
This way thousends of plugins can be downloaded comfortably from within
Plugin Commander.


I don't know, if you already tried my free HTML Shrinker tool for making
your web pages faster. But if you own a homepage, you definatelly
HTML Shrinker 1.05 has earned a lot of awards since it was released e.g
full 6 point rating from, a full 5 cows rating from and was an editor pick at's fileworld. Besides
that over 50 sites already claim to be a HTML Shrinker optimized site
with the HTML Shrinker logo on their front page. When will your homepage
have it?

Have a great week,
Harald Heim

Plugin Com HQ - Plugins, effects and tools for Image and Video Editing


Plugin Newsletter - 25 / 1999




Plugin Newsletter - 24 / 1999

Dear Subscribers,

As I've promised the in the last issue, I've added a lot more free stuff
to my site. Here we go. The URL of my site is as usual at the bottom
of this message.


Plugin Commander offers the possibility to plug in in custom
interface for its FF Editor. Almost 10 interfaces have already been
created by different people. I already got requests by many more
people who wanted to design their own interfaces for Plugin
Commander, but didn't knew how to do it. So I finally wrote this
tutorial which is available from the Tools / Plugin Commander / PiCo
Tutorials page or directly from the main page of my site.


Plugin Commander Version 1.0 will finally be released at the end of
October. After two years of development, I decided that it would be
time to put in some last strong effort and release this baby.

PiCo 1.0 will be available in two different versions: a Light Edition
with limited features, which will be freeware, and a full-featured Pro
Edition, which will be commercial. PiCo 1.0 which was fully
reworked will work much faster than previous beta versions, will be
easier to use and will offer dozens of new features e.g. a more
powerful main window, a browser, a picture editor and a batch
processing tool.

I have a special offer for those of you who want the full PiCo power
and consider themselves creative: Design an interface for PiCo's FF
Editor that is worth publishing (using the above mentioned tutorial)
and you will get Plugin Commander 1.0 Pro Edition for free.


I've added some free stuff to the Free Filters page of my site:

Get a brand new and free plugin for Adobe After Effects that creates
wonderful cosmic fractal flame animations known from the KPT 5
FraxFlame plugin. If you shouldn't have After Effects, I've also
added a link to a free stand-alone versions that work under Linux
and Win32, although it can't be used that effective as the AE plugin.

Another very nice goody is the Crystal 3D Impact application which
was previously distributed as a commercial product and is now free
for everyone. It is an easy-to-use 3D animation program that lets
you create animated 3D titles, logos, objects and buttons.


Have a look at the Other Effects / Brushes page for new links to
hundreds of Photoshop and Paintshop Pro brushes. There are also
some new links on the Other Effects / Edges & Frames page for
gaining some free frames mostly for PSP.

Kindest Regards,
Harald Heim


Plugin Newsletter - 23 / 1999


Hi people,

here are the update news on


I've teamed up with Megalux, the makers of Ultimate Paint, to offer
you a special bundle deal. You can order Ultimate Paint 2 and
Plugin Galaxy together for $69.95 and save $20 compared to the
individual prices.

Ultimate Paint 2 is a full-featured 32-bit Windows graphics program
for image creation, viewing and manipulation, while Plugin Galaxy is a
plugin set with an incredible amount of over 120 image effect that can
be plugged into Ultimate Paint. So they make up a perfect team and
supplement each very well for different graphical tasks.

For more informations on this offer visit the Plugin Store on my site.


John Redfield has released a new version of his famous freeware
plugin JAMA 3D. If you haven't already got it, it is definitely a must!
Secondly he also released a new plugin called MESH 3D. As the name
already says you can use it to create 3D-looking mesh wires. It has the
same intuitive interface as JAMA 3D and is a enrichment for everyone's
plugin collection, too. Visit my Filters / Free Filters page to get it.


Speaking of free plugins, Martijn van der Lee has released 4 new
filters for his Unplugged Set. The Unplugged plugins are available for
Windows as well as for Macintosh. Here are the descriptions:

Colors/PhotoCopy is a simple plugin which creates a Xerox™
copied photograph effect. Shapes/Auto Ellipse creates an ellipse
which fits the image or selected region perfectly. Tools/Radial
Waves is a plugin which deforms the image by shifting it in waves
radiating from the center of the image. Tools/TV Distortion distorts the
horizontal raster lines by shifting them by a given amount. The pixels
on the edge can either be blackened, rotated or repeated.

Grab these 4 goodies by following the link from the Filters / FF Index
page under Unplugged.


I've added two FFL files with 97 plugins I mentioned in one of the
last newsletter issues to the Filters / FFL Files page. I mean the
AlphaWorks, EdgeWorks, ColorWorks etc. filter collections from
Steve Upham also known as Cybia.

By the way, FFL files are archive files that can contains hundreds of
Filter Factory filters while only needing 1/100 of the file size of the
plugins. FFL files can be created and converted back to plugins with
Plugin Commander which also available on my site.

Watch out for the next newsletter issue. There are more freebies

Have a great time on the net,
Harald Heim

Plugin Com HQ



Plugin Newsletter - 22 / 1999



As you may have noticed I've moved the Plugin Commander Update
News list to, a provider of free mail list services and
home to the world's best email lists. This way there's less
administrative work for me and you will have the option to read and
search the message archive online (see end of this message!). For
more information about Topica, go to

The latest Plugin Commander version was released quite a long time
ago in February 99, so I'm planning to release a new version untill
the end of this year.
To get some inspirations on how to develop this tool further, I would
like to know which feature of Plugin Commander you consider the
most important. You can reply to this email or use the poll form I've
created on the Plugin Commander page at or go
directly to
to express your opinion.

Many thanks for your support,
Harald Heim

PlugIn Com HQ -
Plugins, Effects and Tools for Image and Video Editing


Plugin Newsletter - 21 / 1999


This is the 21st newsletter this year from the Plugin Com HQ site
( I added a little article about two new image editing
application to this newsletter. Hope you like it. Maybe I will continue with it in the
next issues, if I'll find something interesting. As usual (un)subscription
information and the URL of the newsletter archive can be found at the bottom of
this message.


Cybia has releases almost hundred new filter plugins. The collections are named
EdgeWorks, ColorWorks, EmbossWorks, SwapShop and MasterBlaster. While
the others mostly contain simple filter effects, the EdgeWorks collection
is really worth a look. EdgeWorks consists of e.g. Chromium, Digitize,
Graphite, Photocopy and Woodcut effects.
You can find the link to these effects on the Filters / FF Index page at
Plugin Com HQ. And while you visit Cybia's site you can also view the
other great stuff he offers.


As a tribute to all the great brush effects that are available on the web I
decided to create a Brushes page in the Other Effects section. I added 34
brushes for Paintshop Pro (200x200 pixel) with various motives. Plus
there are currently two links to other brushes for PSP and Photoshop. But
don't worry I will add more links and brushes in the coming weeks e.g.
brushes for Painter and Deep Paint. So watch out!


I've come across two applications lately that promise to become great
tools for image editing in future. And even better, both are Freeware tools.

First of all there's the GIMP, well know from the Linux platform. Now it
is also available for Windows. Besides a large range of tools, it also
offers dozens of filters and supports multiple layers. Although it has the
same interface as under Linux, it should be easy to use it after a short
period of time.
Nevertheless there are still some drawbacks, so I would not recommend
the current available version for everyday use. The Win32 port of the
GIMP is still quite unstable and displays a lot of annoying error
messages, even if it doesn't crash. But for those of you who already want
to take a look at it, here's the URL:

The seconds tool which is currently in Beta stage, too, is ImageWerks.
Other than the GIMP, which is known as the Photoshop-Killer,
Imagewerks tries to imitate Photoshop in every aspect. So you don't need
time to get used to it, if you know Photoshop or Paintshop Pro.
Imagewerks supports multiple layers, has a gradient tool and offers many
other basic tools.
The negative points are that there's no UNDO function and that it works
quite slow, too slow for fluent work on slower machines. Anyway, here's
the URL for those who need an applications for a few simple jobs:
If you shouldn't be able to download it get it at

As I already said, both tools are currently not worth a recommendation for
complex tasks and everyday usage. Maybe both tools will be quite useful
within a half or full year when they are improved more. So I currently
would recommend you to stay with Paintshop Pro or Photoshop.

Have a nice week,
Harald Heim

PlugIn Com HQ -
Plugins, Effects and Tools for Image and Video Editing



Plugin Newsletter - 20c / 1999



First of all, if you think you are receiving this newsletter without
having subscribed to it, please sent a blank email to

plugincommander-unsubscribe (at)

and I will never bother you again. That simple. If you shouldn't know
with which email address you're subscribed, write me and I'll help

But now let's start with the news about


The latest Plugin Commander version was released quite a long time
ago in February 99, so I'm planning to release a new version until
the end of this year. To get some inspirations on how to develop
this tool further, I would like to know which feature of Plugin
Commander you consider the most important. But I would also like
to know the things that you don't like that much about the current
version of PiCo. You can reply to this email or use the poll form I've
created at

to express your opinion.


Together with Alfredo Mateus, the owner of the Pluginhead site at, I'll start a newsletter with the latest news
on software for digital video editing. This includes plugins for Adobe
Premiere, Ulead MediaStudio Pro, Adobe After Effects etc. as well
as other applications and tools. There will be an issue every month
(or sometimes even in a two week turn).
Additionally subscribers will receive special video software offers.
And as we continue to develop new plugins and effects in
cooperation with Hollywood FX, a leading company on the video
plugin market, you will have the opportunity to purchase these
products for extremely low introductory prices.
To subscribe to the Video FX newsletter simply send an blank email


A long awaited new version of the most popular Windows image-
editing application Paintshop Pro has been released now. Paint
Shop Pro 6 features powerful new editable text and graphic design
tools that enable users to easily create, edit and produce
professional-quality graphics that were previously only available by
importing graphics created in a separate illustration program or by
using expensive plug-in products. You can also expect powerful new
gradient options, a wide variety of new image effects and
deformations, color adjustment layers, expanded digital camera
support, multiple image printing and powerful optimization features
for producing high- quality Web graphics with the smallest possible
file sizes.
All in all a must have tool for everyone doing graphics under
Windows. To get a trial version of this cool tool go to

Best of all, if you want to purchase this cool piece of software, I've
found a special offer. You can get PSP 6 for $85 (instead of $99) at

People who already bought PSP 5, should contact JASC for an

Have a nice week,
Harald Heim

PlugIn Com HQ -
Plugins, Effects and Tools for Image and Video Editing




Plugin Newsletter - 20b / 1999



maybe you already wondered why you got a message from I've decided to move use for delivering the
Plugin Com HQ Newsletter, cause sending it with my email
application caused too many problems and is too much effort.
Besides that offers a lot of nice features like web-based
reading and searchable message archives. You can find more
informations at the bottom of this email.

As many people haven't received the last newsletter I've quoted its
topics again. So here are the news on


I've added a link to the AV Bros. Page Curl plugin on the Filters /
Free Filters page. It is shareware and let's you create page curl
effects never seen before. It also has a neat graphical interface and
is only available for Windows.

>From the last newsletter:


I produced Alpha Magic in cooperation with Alfredo Mateus (who
owns the Pluginhead web site) and Hollywood FX Inc. Alpha Magic
offers a whole new way to create video transitions using gradients.
Alpha Magic is a library of over 400 gradients and the Gradient
Wizard, a new plugin that lets you create incredible wipes, dissolves
and particle transitions, and helps you organize your Alpha Magic
gradients with simple groups of gradient icons. Alpha Magic works
with Adobe Premiere, Avid Media Composer, Symphony, Xpress,
Canopus RexEdit Discreet Logic Edit, DPS Video Action NT, FAST
Video Machine Plus, 601, blue, In-Sync Speed Razor, Media 100
Finish, Panasonic DVEdit, Sony EditStation 3 and Ulead Media
Studio Pro under Windows and Macintosh.

For more informations and for downloading a trial version visit or


At the same time I reworked the Transitions / Harry's Gradients page
of my site. You will find 15 new free gradient files there. Instructions
for using the in different video editing application are on the same
page. But using these gradients in Alpha Magic is the most flexible
and comfortable way to generate transition effect.


I've added a link to imageN at the Tools / Graphic Tools page.
imageN is an image editing tool which support Adobe-compatible
plugins and has many other nice features. So if you were looking
for a freeware tool which can run all the nice plugins available from
Plugin Com HQ, this is what you need. Besides imageN has some
nice features for digital cameras.


I've also placed a link to Tim's Filters on the Filters / FF Index page.
This collection contains 4 filters including two woodcut filters, a drop
shadow filter and a edge fade filters. They were rated with full 3
stars, so don't miss them.


I've already created 7 tutorials for my recently released Plugin
Galaxy plugin set. Here are the titels:

- Turning Photos into Seamless Textures
- Adding Dynamics to Photos
- Creating Metal Frames
- Doing Text Effects
- Generating Glass Tiles
- Simulating Sunsets
- Doing Funny Faces
- Funshine Spheroids

These tutorials are only accessible from


A nice book that has been released lately is the PSP Power book
from Lori Davis. It isn't a usual book, it is a ebook: a CD-ROM which
contains PDF documents. This ebook explains all aspects of working
with JASC Paintshop Pro and is easily readable. So if you were
looking for such an book lately, I can only recommend it. And it is
quite cheap, too, only $19.95. Get it from


Last but not least, I've reworked the Gallery section of my site lately.
If you want to see a few graphics created by myself or other people
or if you want to visit some other sites with nice photos, just take a

Best Wishes,
Harald Heim

PlugIn Com HQ -
Plugins, Effects and Tools for Image and Video Editing



Plugin Newsletter - 20a / 1999



Due to mailing problems some people haven't received the latest
issue of this newsletter. That's why I've attached it to this message.
I'll be on holiday from 18th August to 1st September, so please won't
have any luck, if you contact me during this period. Here are the


The newest version of this tool has just been released. The shrinking
algoritm has been improved even further and additionally scripts are
now shrunken, too. There's also a new option on the main dialog for
removing non breaking spaces. Check it out!


I've added two tools I consider very useful: Massdownloader speeds
up downloading from slow servers. It establishes several server
connections and downloads different portions of the same file at the
same time. Bounce Spam Mail can be used to get rid of unwanted
emails. If you can't unsubscribe from an unwanted mailing list, you
can use this tool to send a fake message telling that your email
account doesn't exist any more.

Have a great summer,
Harald Heim


Back to the News Page


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