Plugins for Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom, PSP & others



Plugin Newsletter - Febuary 2007



B/W STYLER FOR MAC RELEASED: Including a Mac-Intel version for Photoshop CS3

PLUGIN COMMANDER PRO: Update of the installer fixes plugin execution problems

POLL RESULTS: How simple or complex do you like plugins to be?

NEW POLL: Would you like to be able to use Photoshop plugins in Adobe LightRoom?

THE DISCUSSION FORUMS: Perfect Skin, Stained Glass Plugin, Classic Wood Frames

FREE PLUGINS AND TOOLS: Face Control, 8bf Plugin Filters, Panorama Tools 16bit, I.D.base, Photo Info

GRAPHICS NEWS: Photoshop LightRoom 1.0, Corel Painter X, AKVIS LightShop, OnOneSoftware Public Betas, PhotoshopCAFE Design Challenge






You may wonder what happened to certain graphics applications or plugins throughout the years. A lot of them were sold to other companies, often more than just one time, and others were discontinued or merged with other products. I came across the following page, which should give you a few answers:

Now that we have released a Mac-Intel version of B/W Styler, we will also release Mac-Intel versions of our other PhotoWiz plugins within the next few weeks. So if you own a Mac with an Intel processor and got a copy of Photoshop CS3 Beta, you will be able to render the effects of the PhotoWiz plugins two to three times faster. I will keep you informed.

Kind regards,
Harald Heim



B/W STYLER FOR MAC RELEASED: Including a Mac-Intel version for Photoshop CS3
After releasing the Windows version last year we now have the MacOS X version of B/W Styler ready. In addition to two versions for Macs with a PowerPC processor, we also offer a version that natively runs in Photoshop CS3 on Mac with an Intel processor.

B/W Styler simulates the whole workflow of B/W photography from shooting a photo to processing it in the lab and framing the end result. It recreates the look of films, lens filters, lab effects and photo papers that are popular in traditional B/W photography and even more.

For more information, viewing examples and downloading a demo version please see



PLUGIN COMMANDER PRO: Update of the installer fixes plugin execution problems
The Plugin Commander 1.60 installation program was changed in August 2006. Now we have found out that the new installation of the Pro version does not create a sub folder called "scripts". Without it an error message will be displayed instead of the effect of some plugins. The Light Version of Plugin Commander does not need that folder, so there is no problem with it.

Registered users of Plugin Commander Pro will receive an email with the update within the next 24 hours. If you bought Plugin Commander Pro and do not get such an email, please contact us.

For more information about Plugin Commander see



POLL RESULTS: How simple or complex do you like plugins to be?
213 people voted in the poll with the question: "How simple or complex do you like Photoshop plugins to be?". Here are the results:

14% - Very Simple: Only a few sliders whose effect is easy to recognize in the preview.
14% - Simple: Some sliders and simple features, but no masking options.
31% - Medium: Several sliders and a simple masking feature.
15% - Sophisticated: Many sliders and options plus different masking options.
26% - Complex: All imaginable features for fine-tuning the effect and many adjustable masking options.

If we remove the "Simple" and "Sophisticated" items, which don't seem to have much relevance, we get a more clear picture:

1. Medium: 43.7%
2. Complex: 36.6%
3. Very Simple: 19.7%

So most people like plugins that create medium complex to complex effects.

For more poll results, please visit the Know-How section at



NEW POLL: Would you like to be able to use Photoshop plugins in Adobe LightRoom?
Adobe Photoshop LightRoom doesn't allow you to run Photoshop filter plugins. The latest poll asks you to let us know if you would like to use Photoshop plugins in LightRoom (or special LightRoom versions of certain Photoshop plugins) if it was possible.

Please cast your vote at the bottom of



THE DISCUSSION FORUMS: Perfect Skin, Stained Glass Plugin, Classic Wood Frames
Here are some posts from The Plugin Site Discussion Forms:

Perfect Skin
badge100 wrote: "I usually read and find all fashion magazines or cosmetic printing advertisements and having perfect skin tone and texture in the model faces. Could Photoshop make this? How and what kind of plugin I need to make this done in PS CS2? Thank you for the information."

Stained Glass Plugin
snowdesert wrote: "hello does anyone know if there is a stained glass plugin that allows you fill a stained glass pattern with the various manufacter"s stained glass?"

kpoth wrote: "About a year ago I was able to insert artwork into classic ornate wood frames using Photoshop CS (or Elements 4) and choosing the frame effect/action. I have since moved to a new computer and cannot for the life of me find that simple OGee curved gold wood frame in either application. Was this a plugin or an action? And if I've lost it, where can I download it?"

For more interesting discussions and posting your won comment or question please visit



FREE PLUGINS AND TOOLS: Face Control, 8bf Plugin Filters, Panorama Tools 16bit, I.D.base, Photo Info

The Redfield Face Control plugin (for Windows) allows you to change facial expressions in a simple fashion. Human, animal, alien, or any other kind of faces are possible.

Two new plugins have been added to the 8bf Plugin Filters (for Windows). Marble Mask adjusts the transparency of a layer according to a marble pattern. The Scatter plugin scatters pixels according to a selected radius.

Panorama Tools Plug-ins (16-bit)
The Panorama Tools plugins (for Windows), originally written by Helmut Dersch, now support both 8-bit and 16-bit images. They are compatible with Photoshop 5.5 and above and Paint Shop Pro.

I.D.base (for Windows), a Poser Character Library, was made for users of Poser with a lot of character skin textures and head morphs in their runtime library. The software includes a collection of reference images and helps you when looking for suitable textures and morphs for your character.

Microsoft Photo Info is an add-in (for Windows) that allows you to add, change and delete the metadata information of image files. It also provides enhanced "hover tips" and additional image file sort properties in the Details view of Windows Explorer.



GRAPHICS NEWS: Photoshop Lightroom 1.0, Corel Painter X, AKVIS LightShop, OnOneSoftware Public Betas, PhotoshopCAFE Design Challenge

Adobe announced Photoshop Lightroom 1.0, which is expected to ship in mid-February 2007. Photoshop Lightroom enables photographers to import, manage and present large volumes of digital photos. Adobe is offering Photoshop Lightroom at a special introductory price through April 30, 2007 at the Adobe Store. Version 1.0 includes new functionality added since beta 4.1, a HSL adjustment tool and clone/healing features, and enhancements to the Library and Develop modules as well as Slideshow, Print and Web components.

Corel released Corel Painter X, which introduces new composition tools, better performance and the new RealBristle painting system. The new Smart Stroke Painting option lets brush strokes follow the forms in the photo. Other new features include a Match Palette effect, a Universal Mixer palette, a Workspace Manager, Dodge and Burn tools, enhanced Photoshop support, enhanced color management and versions for both Intel-Macs and Windows.

AKVIS LightShop V.1.1 (for Windows/Mac) lets you create light effects that draw attention to a photo. Light effects include, e.g. lightning in a stormy sky, a colorful rainbow over a city, a reflection on a raindrop, the glow on smoldering wood in a fire-place, alien signs blazing in the night sky, flares on the sun, the lights of distant planets, fireworks.

OnOneSoftware lets you sign up for the Genuine Fractals 5 Public Beta and users of PhotoFrame Pro 3 can test the 3.1 Public Beta.

7th PhotoshopCAFE Design Challenge is open for entries until the end of February. The contest asks you to design a billboard ad for Photoshop set in the past or the future. More than $12,000 worth of prizes from Adobe, Wacom and others will be awarded to Top 10 winners.

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