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HTML Shrinker is a tool for reducing the size of various html file types. As a consequence your web site will load faster, need less web space and bandwidth and your server load will decrease.
HTML Shrinker removes all unnecessary bytes within html files. The look of the html page won't change after it is compressed. It just looks like before. You won't see a difference, only the file size will be smaller. For example HTML Shrinker removes from html files as follows:
These settings and several other options can be adapted to your needs in the Options dialog.
3. How high is the shrinking rate? Here are the results of some shrinking tests
with the old Version 1.07 of HTML Shrinker. The 2.0 Pro Version has a higher shrinking rate.
The shrinking of 48 various html files (with HTML Shrinker 1.07) which had the total size of 534 K resulted in a gain of 61 K which corresponds to an average shrinking rate of 11%. But as you can see from the results in the table above, the individual shrinking rate can be up to 50%. Especially pages with many tables, pages created by WYSIWYG editors and pages containing large Java scripts will profit from HTML Shrinker. Another result of these shrinking tests is that very large html files (> 100 K) get slightly smaller if you shrink them two or even three times.
The average shrinking rate of these pages is 24% which is almost a quarter of the original size.
4. Can I shrink my web pages directly on the server? Sorry, this isn't possible unless you are able to run HTML Shrinker directly on the web server. Otherwise you will have to shrink the html files on your local hard drive. Here's the general approach of using this tool: 1. Edit the html files on your local hard drive. 2. Start HTML Shrinker, select the html files and press the Shrink button or use the Shrink All button. 3. Connect to your web server and upload the shrunken files. 4. Start HTML Shrinker select the html files and press the Restore button.
You can omit step 4 if you use a visual html editor. If you use
a text based html editor, you should execute step 4 to make the
html files better readable again.
5. I would like to leave my original html files untouched, but nevertheless have a optimzed web site. What shall I do? This is no problem. All you need to do to leave the original files untouched is to use the "Shrink to the following folder" option. HTML Shrinker will then automatically place the shrunken versions in a new folder for upload. So you don't have to make backups of your files yourself manually.
6. How do I use it? At first select the folder where some html files are located, select the file(s) you want to shrink and finally press the Shrink button or select Shrink from the menu. The result of the shrinking process will be displayed in the text box. The original html files(s) won't be deleted, they will be renamed with the extension ".bak". For example, if you shrunk Test.htm, there will be two files: Test.htm (the shrunken version) and Test.htm.bak (the original file). Pressing the Shrink button a second time can reduce the file size of very large html files even further, but it won't have an effect on smaller html files. To undo the shrinking, select the shrunken
file(s) and press the Restore button or select Restore
from the menu. By doing so the shrunken file(s) will be deleted
and replaced with the original version(s). So you don't have to
worry that the original files will be lost. By activating the Remove All check boxes, you can even remove essential html elements. This can be useful if you downloaded html pages without their images and want to view, print or archive them without ugly empty image boxes. In the Options dialog you can choose
which elements (see point 2!) HTML Shrinker will remove from your
html files. Additionally you can set the minimum gain that has
to be reached to make HTML Shrinker shrink a file. E.g. entering
a value of 100, means that only if a file can be shrunken by 100
or more bytes, HTML Shrinker will actually shrink it. To changed
the file types which are displayed in the main window activate
or deactivate the appropriate check boxes.
7. Which additional features does HTML Shrinker Pro offer? HTML Shrinker Pro has some features that makes it easier to shrink your files especially if your web site has hundreds of pages. It works up to twice as fast as the freeware version when processing many pages in one batch and has an up to 50% higher shrinking rate. The shrinking of asp files, xml files, wml/wap files, wml/wap scripts, perl scripts and tcl scripts is only possible in the Pro Version. The Shrink All command lets you shrink
all files in the current folder and its sub folders. It saves
a lot of time, because you don't need to switch to all sub folders
and select the files manually. Shrink Clipboard is for
shrinking text on the clipboard. This can be useful if you're
just editing a file. The Simulate Shrinking command let
you to know how many bytes you would save by using HTML Shrinker
on a certain file or on a whole web site while leaving the original
files untouched. Analyze tells you what elements are removed
by HTML Shrinker. Moreover, the Pro Version allows you to backup
or shrink to a user-defined folder. Additionally the command
line options of HTML Shrinker Pro allow to run it from a script
or use it directly from the context menu of the Explorer.
The Sites menu is for defining the root folders of your web sites and quickly jumping to them. Add Site lets you add the current folder to the Sites menu and Edit Site List displays a dialog for editing the site list which is displayed at the bottom of the Sites menu. Clicking on one of the names at the bottom of the Sites menu will switch to the base folder of the selected site. HTML Shrinker Pro also offer the possibility to define your own shrinking rules. Rules are a powerful tool for creating your own shrinking options and thereby extending HTML Shrinker's built-in shrinking capabilities.
8. HTML Shrinker damaged a web page. What shall I do? As the syntax of HTML, Javascript and other web related languages is quite complex and as every browser interprets them differently, it is possible that a file shrunken with HTML Shrinker causes a problem. There shouldn't be any problems with simple html files, but that's no guarantee. So I generally recommend that you view every shrunken html file for problems. First of all, use the HTML Shrinker's Restore feature to get the old version of the file. Then deactivate one (or more) of the check boxes in the 'Remove All Unnecessary' frame of the Option dialog and shrink the file again. If the file doesn't cause problems anymore, you should keep this check box disabled. If a problem should occure, there's a Troubleshooting page in the HTML Shrinker manual which recommends which shrinking options should be deactivated when a certain problem occurs. If you are confronted with a problem caused by HTML Shrinker, please contact us me with the original file that caused the problem, so I can remove the bug and improve HTML Shrinker.
9. What about mistakes in my HTML code? In some cases mistakes in your HTML code can provoke HTML Shrinker to parse the code incorrectly and cause errors in the shrunken file. Here are some things that create errors when shrinking a file: