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manipulates the colors of an image.

RGB Intensify

Intensifies the colors

Color Tuner

Tunes the colors

YUV Intensify

Intensifies the colors according to their UV components

Magic Invert

A special negative effect


Produces twilight effects


Creates a circular color fade


b/w Limiter

Lets you turn certain colors into gray colors


Makes a image b/w with adjustable color channels

Cartoon Look

Produces a cartoon look


RGB Saturation

(De)saturates the color channels separately


Adjusts brightness and contrast


Red1 / Green1 / Blue1 Sliders

RGB Intensify: Intensity of the red, green and blue effect

Color Tuner: Intensifies the red, green or blue parts of the image

YUV Intensify: Adjusts the red, green and blue V-component

Magic Invert: Adjusts the brightness of the red, green and blue color channel

Twilight: Adjusts the brightness of the red, green and blue color channel

Fade: Adjusts the size of the red, green and blue halo

b/w Limiter: Red, green and blue pixel values below these slider values won't be turned into b/w. => Bottom Value

Greyscaler: Weight of the red, green and blue color channel for calculating the gray tones.

Cartoon Look: Adjusts the brightness of the red, green and blue color channel

RGB Saturation: Saturation of the red, green and blue color channels


Red2 / Green2 / Blue2 Sliders

RGB Intensify: Weight of the red, green or blue component

Color Tuner: Decreases the intensity of the red, green or blue parts of the image

YUV Intensify: Adjusts the red, green and blue U-component

Magic Invert: Defines the extent of neagtivity of the red, green and blue channel

Twilight: Adjusts the size of the red, green and blue halo

Fade: Adjusts the size of the red, green and blue halo

b/w Limiter: Red, green and blue pixel values above these slider values won't be turned into b/w. => Top Value

Greyscaler: no function

Cartoon Look: no function

RGB Saturation: Weight of the red, green and blue color channel for calculating the saturation


Exposure Slider Adjust: Darkens or brightens the image
Contrast Slider Adjust: Influences the contrast of the image
Amplify Slider Adjust: Controls the black and white points
Brightness Slider Controls the overall brightness of the final effect.
Intensity Slider A higher value creates a more intense color effect. Does not work for RGB Saturation

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